Pre-sales, Book tour and Anxiety!
First and foremost, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for going online to Amazon and pre-ordering your copy of Blackout Girl! You have no idea how much it means to me that you support what I am doing. The pre-sales thus far have blown my publisher away! In fact, they said they have never seen a book sell so well in pre-sales, so that is exciting! It may also push them to put me on an official book tour!!! Which is exactly what I want them to do, so again, THANK YOU! When I see you, and I will see you all soon, I will sign your copy special for pre-ordering online. Please pass the link onto everyone you know who you think could benefit from the story.
Speaking of the book tour, if you are at a university or school and wish to bring me to your area, head on over to the book tour section of my webpage and put in a request. We will work something out to get me there.
Lastly, ANXIETY! I have been experiencing some not-so-fun sleepless nights as of late. I know this is due to the extreme excitement, fear, anxiety ____, ______ (insert every emotion you can think of) that I have been feeling in relation to this book. I do not function well without sleep. I am a creature of habit and need my 8+ hours of sleep in order to function properly. So this past month of sleepless nights has been taxing on me in many ways. I know it is normal to be on an emotional roller coaster right now and I want to enjoy all the ups and downs that come with this once-in-a-lifetime experience. But I need sleep!!!
It is weird to think that over the past couple months I have literally been living in the worst parts of my past, so really, it is no wonder that I am in emotional upheaval and to top it all off, I am about to share the worst of my worst with the world. I know all of this is my life purpose and I find incredible solace in that. I have to continue taking care of myself and making sure I am okay. For me this means going to meetings, hitting the gym, sleeping well and just taking some time out for me. So yesterday, I got a massage (thank you Sabrina!!) and today I took a mental health day to write, hit a meeting and the gym.
Again, my deepest thanks to all those who are anxiously awaiting for your copy to arrive in the mail…and for those of you who haven’t purchased our copy yet, ummm what are you waiting for….;) pre-order the book on Amazon