I was pondering yesterday about the ripple effects that sexual violence creates in the lives of so many, particularly within ones own self-esteem and comfort level with sex thereafter. At times I can be so hard on myself, thinking that after 26 years from the first act of violence I endured should be a thing of the past…
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Today is my Anniversary; I have 15 years clean and sober.
That is 180 months, 780 weeks and 5,479 days. But really, I have only one day.
This day. Today.
That is all any of us have really.
In writing my books and speaking across the country I have been beyond blessed to have people email me and approach me to share their darkest secrets…
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Have you ever been a victim of crime? Do you know someone who has been a victim of crime? Would you know what to do, where to turn or who to reach out too if you were a victim of crime? Did you know that as a crime victim, you have certain rights afforded to you under the law?
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