
The book is on Amazon!

Wow things just keep happening and it is all so incredibly exciting. I finished copy editing and just signed off on the first copy of the layout and page design–which I have to say look AMAZING. I think you are going to love what the pages look like! So next week we will start sending out review copies…that will be a little nerve racking… Read On

Welcome to my new webpage and blog!

The webpage is finally live. Please bare with us while we work out a couple common glitches! Otherwise, every page should work fine and please feel free to share the page with your friends! I will be blogging on here frequently to update you on the book progress and eventually to take you on tour with me as I hope to travel to various locations upon the launch of the book… Read On

New Book Cover and Photo Shoots

So today I got my book cover. It is so more real to me in this moment that I can express that I am about to have a book published. A book of my life no less! I am about to completely have my whole being lay naked before the world. I have had more emotions running through me this week that I can articulate and describe… Read On